Case Studies
Tennis Elbow
What is Tennis elbow
Tennis elbow is a condition that causes pain around the outside of the elbow. It’s clinically known as lateral epicondylitis. This often happens after overuse or repeated action of the muscles of the forearm, near the elbow joint.
The Problem
Our client, a male in his 30’s, came to us following some pain in his lateral elbow which he reported when he was lifting his arm, gripping or twisting objects and repetitive typing such as using his phone. He also plays hockey regularly which he had to stop.
This type of injury is reasonably common but can be easily treated.
The Solution
We educated the patient on the condition. He had some manual therapy and shockwave therapy with us which can be helpful for these types of problems, to reduce pain and promote healing. We also, most importantly, provided the patient with a progressive strengthening programme adjusted accordingly for him which helped him to build strength and reduced the pain greatly.
The Result
After 6 weeks he is much better than he was with significant pain reduction. He is back playing hockey. We are still progressing his programme and will monitor his pain and progress.
Sometimes we do get patients who will not always respond as well as we like to physiotherapy and in this case we would refer on for further management to an appropriate consultant.

Get in touch
020 8070 7777
Ground Floor,
65 New North Road
Company reg No. - 11731039 (England & Wales)
Reg address:
The Retreat
406 Roding Lane South Woodford Green
Essex IG8 8EY